A Programming Note from Coach Kenz

Coach Kenz

Metcon Fam,

Coach Kenz here! I wanted to take a minute to write to everyone and give some insight and context on the upcoming cycle for programming that we’re entering into. 

Firstly, you guys all crushed this past cycle. I hope you’ve been able to track your progress and can take some time to reflect and be proud of the gains that you’ve made (physically and mentally)! 

In the upcoming cycle that we are stepping into you will see some similarities and some differences. Before I get into that, I want it to be known: we are not reinventing the wheel here with our programming.

We are still going to squat, deadlift, press overhead, do burpees, contemplate life on the assault bike, run, jump and everything in between. We will also expand into some new and some familiar movements that were not in our past cycle; this is not a departure from the norm! We’re always trying to find fun and effective ways to improve our fitness from cycle to cycle.

One thing I wanted to expand on is our “progressions” - which we’ll talk a lot about this next cycle. This just refers to the breaking down of a complex movement into smaller steps or levels, that lead to the same end result. 

No matter what the movement is, we start with something very basic - that meets the member where they are currently - and slowly over time make that movement harder as the individual improves their fitness. Regardless of what progression step you fall in - something at a beginner level, all the way to advanced - we are all doing functional fitness with the same ultimate goal - to take the next step in our fitness journey.

Please keep this in mind as you see movements that you might not be familiar or comfortable with right off the bat! We have your back and we want the best for you and for your health, and I can confidently say that we will help you get there if you allow us the honor. 

Everyone will get the chance to challenge themselves and try to learn new skills within a safe environment at a gradual pace. We are here to support you and help you get there - regardless of your goal or intention when you walk into the gym everyday.

One thing we are going to start doing differently is using a timed format so that way all of our class members start and finish at the same time. This will allow for the class to run more efficiently, and to ensure consistency in rest and work time. Instead of “you have 20 mins to do 4 sets of 5”, the workout will be 1 set of 5 every 4 mins. It still takes the same amount of time, but with more order and structure.

Here is an example:

Monday Strength: Back Squat. 

The official start of the new cycle will be Tuesday December 27th. The 2 weeks prior (December 12th-23rd) will be “reset weeks”. You can expect to see plenty of form and technique practice, and lower percentages in weights as we prep for the New Year, and recover from our last cycle (or is it recovering from all the holiday food?)

I want everyone to know that myself and the rest of the team are here to listen and talk anytime. I hope you are all as excited as I am for this upcoming year together as we all learn, grow and have fun in this amazing community that we get to call our own. 

With love, 

Coach Kenz

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